This signature program is for women who are feeling stuck, exhausted, alone and ready to ignite their spark.

Our mission is to help women break old patterns, reframe their challenges and find their true sense of purpose.


Imperfections Welcomed. Vulnerability Embraced. Authenticity Mandatory.

7x7 Journey

Our signature program, 7x7, is for high-achievers who are done with the hustle and ready to discover their spark again.

7x7 is a methodology that empowers women to awaken their feminine power and unleash their true potential.

Our 16 week curriculum has been created with time-tested strategies to unlock the warrior within you. We show you exactly how to discover your purpose and balance a meaningful personal life without sacrificing one for the other.

Our clients report more purpose and fulfillment, improved relationships with romantics partners, more presence and quality time with children, and a more balanced life – all while gaining clarity on their career paths and expanding their income and impact without sacrificing their health, relationships or wellbeing.

Is the 7x7 Journey right for me?

Watch this 4-minute video and hear from actual clients who went through the 7x7 program as they share what they gained from their experience


The Achiever.

The Achiever knows how to set goals and achieve them, but her old patterns of pushing, perfecting and performing are no longer working and she’s burned out.

She is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. She knows it’s time for real, meaningful change and doesn’t want to waste time trying to figure it out on her own.

She comes to us ready for action and wants a proven process that cuts through the brain fog and gets to the heart and soul of identifying who she really is and what she truly wants.

She welcomes bold challenges, honest and direct feedback, and a nonjudgmental team of women who will keep her accountable as she embraces the best version of herself.

The Seeker.

The Seeker knows there is more to life than what she is experiencing, and she hears a faint whisper inside inviting her to look deeper. 

She is not yet in a destructive spiral, but intuitively feels a sense of urgency to uncover her hidden talents and share them with the world.

She’s not the loudest one in the crowd, but she feels deeply and has many thoughts she often keeps to herself for fear she won’t be understood.

She comes to us curious to look inside herself to help identify her blind spots. She’s ready to put herself on the path to deeper joy, creativity and fulfillment before her life unravels.

For some, the changes are just a tweak, for others it’s a pivot, and for a few it’s a complete 180.

This is your journey.

We are here to support you and guide you towards your dreams, big visions, and deepest desires. We have witnessed women transform their lives in ways they never expected.

Your life is your laboratory. Let’s make each day an opportunity to discover, explore and learn.

“This was experience genius.”

Meet Beverly. She's a Democracy and Inclusion Expert and an Ivy League grad. When she came to us she was burned out and didn’t want to return to a career that left her depleted. Through the 7x7 Journey program she learned how to trust her instincts, find her way and discover a team of women eager to support her.

“When I let go of expectations and perfectionism and trusted the process of 7x7, I found my way.”

“I thought there was something wrong with me.”

Meet Crystal. She’s a Financial Expert and an Ivy League grad. Through this process she learned how to verbalize and understand her values. Her biggest change was checking-in with herself and living with intention. Her coaches, the community and the structure of the program was a powerful experience.

“Now I put on my wings every day and live with intention.”

“I got back to my core voice.”

Meet Leslie. She’s a Fertility Coach, Business Owner, an Ivy League grad, and mother of two young children. She had been on the treadmill of life and lost herself. She learned how to prioritize her needs and show up better for her family and career. The structure of the program gave her the loving push to make real, meaningful shifts to get back to her core voice.

“You will have a team and community cheering you on along this journey.”

“This was transformative.”

Meet Patricia. She’s a psychiatrist, an Ivy League grad, and single mother of two teenage daughters. She was leery about opening up and being vulnerable at the start of this journey. Through this journey she learned how to express her needs and desires and reclaimed her power. The loving, supportive and safety of this group allowed her growth to expand exponentially.

“This experience has been so powerful in my everyday life. Now I speak up when I want to and express myself.”

“Let it go.”

Meet Monique. She's a mom, entrepreneur, and leader in her community. She leads her life with vulnerability, courage, and a deeply compassionate heart. She joined 7x7 to reconnect with herself and honor her boundaries, but through her journey, she discovered so much more.

“7x7 gave me the opportunity to reflect on who I am being and how I am showing up in the world. It helped refocus me on the things that are most important to me.”

“You can make it happen.”

Meet Christina. She's a full-time working mom who juggles a fast-paced career while meeting the demands of a toddler.

A Harvard graduate, she’s been a high-achieving, top performer with her whole life. She joined 7x7 to refocus on self-care and connect with other women in a meaningful way.

This experience proved to be more than self-care, it changed the way I approach every day challenges.”

“This changed the trajectory of my life.”

Meet Christine. She’s a single mom to two kids, a full-time career woman and committed to living a fully authentic life. Prior to working with Lauren, Christine struggled with people-pleasing and not feeling like she ‘fit in.” She questioned her intuition and often felt like she had to figure out all the answers on her own.

“The 7x7 Journey unlocked a new level of intuitive strength and power that’s changed the trajectory of my life.

This experience showed me that I’m on the right path, and now I fully trust my journey.”